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;These are the functions in ACAD2.LSP:
; 1. Rectangle at any angle (raa)
; 2. Spiral (spiral)
; 3. Clean Atomlist/Garbage Collection (kln)
; 4. Erase Last (EL)
; 5. Erase Window (EW)
; 6. Zoom Window (ZW)
; 7. Zoom Previous (ZP)
; 8. Draw Line (L)
; 9. Square at any angle (sq)
; 10. Convert Civil Units (conv)
; 11. Absolute scale of blocks (ascale)
; 12. Angled sequential numbers (an)
; 13. Slot (slot)
; 14. Change text style global (cs)
; 15. Extend (exd)
; 16. Step and Repeat (sr)
; 17. Flange (flange)
; 18. Parrallelogram (paa)
;1. Draws a rectangle at any angle.
(Defun C:Raa (/ P1 P2 P3 P4 A B)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq A (Getvar "Snapang"))
(Setq B (Getvar "Orthomode"))
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nFrom point: "))
(Setq P2 (Getpoint P1 "\nTo point: "))
(Command "Line" P1 P2 "")
(Setvar "Snapang" (Angle P1 P2))
(Setvar "Orthomode" 1)
(Setq P3 (Getpoint P2 "\nTo point: "))
(Setq P4 (Polar P3 (Angle P2 P1) (Distance P2 P1)))
(Command "Line" P2 P3 P4 P1 "")
(Setvar "Snapang" A)
(Setvar "Orthomode" B)
;2. Function for spiral.
(Setq CS (Getvar "Cmdecho"))
(Setq BS (Getvar "Blipmode"))
(Setvar "Blipmode" 0)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq CIRCLE (* 3.141596235 2))
(Setq ANG 0.0)
(Setq DIST 0.0)
(Command "Pline" BPOINT)
(Repeat NTIMES
(Repeat LPPASS
(Setq TP (Polar BPOINT (Setq ANG (+ ANG
(Setq DIST (+ DIST DINC))))
(Command TP)
(Setvar "Blipmode" BS)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" CS)
; Interactive spiral generation.
(Defun C:Spiral (/ NT BP CF LP)
(Prompt "\nCenter point: ")
(Setq BP (Getpoint))
(Prompt "\nNumber of rotations: ")
(Setq NT (Getint))
(Prompt "\nGrowth per rotation: ")
(Setq CF (Getdist BP))
(Prompt "\nPoints per rotation: ")
(Setq LP (Getint))
(Cond ((null LP) (Setq LP 30)))
(Cspiral NT BP CF LP)
;3. Cleans the atomlist, freeing node space
; and does a garbage collection.
(Defun C:Kln ()
;4. Types "EL" to erase the last object.
(Defun C:EL ()
(Command "Erase" "L" "")
;5. Types "EW" to erase a window.
(Defun C:EW ()
(Command "Erase" "W")
;6. Types "ZW" to zoom a window.
(Defun C:ZW ()
(Command "Zoom" "W")
;7. Types "ZP" to zoom previous.
(Defun C:ZP ()
(Command "Zoom" "P")
;8. Types "L" to draw a line.
(Defun C:L ()
(Command "Line")
:9. Draws a a square at any angle.
(Defun C:Sq (/ P1 P2 P3 P4)
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nLower left corner: "))
(Setq A (Getdist P1 "\nLength of one side: "))
(Setq P2 (Polar P1 0.0 A))
(Setq P3 (Polar P2 (/ Pi 2.0) A))
(Setq P4 (Polar P3 Pi A))
(Command "Line" P1 P2 P3 P4 "C")
;10. Converts civil units (decimal feet)
; to architectural units (feet & inches).
(Defun C:Conv (/ A B C D E F G H)
(Setq A (Getreal "Enter number to convert to feet and
inches: "))
(Setq B (Fix A))
(Setq C (- A B))
(Setq C (* C 12))
(Setq D (Fix C))
(Setq C (- C D))
(If (>= C 0.9688) (Setq E (Chr 34)))
(If (>= C 0.9688) (Setq D (+ D 1)))
(If (>= D 12) (Setq B (+ B 1)))
(If (>= D 12) (Setq D 0))
(If (< C 0.9688) (Setq E (Strcat "15/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.9063) (Setq E (Strcat "7/8" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.8438) (Setq E (Strcat "13/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.7813) (Setq E (Strcat "3/4" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.7188) (Setq E (Strcat "11/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.6563) (Setq E (Strcat "5/8" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.5938) (Setq E (Strcat "9/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.5313) (Setq E (Strcat "1/2" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.4688) (Setq E (Strcat "7/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.4063) (Setq E (Strcat "3/8" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.3438) (Setq E (Strcat "5/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.2813) (Setq E (Strcat "1/4" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.2188) (Setq E (Strcat "3/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.1563) (Setq E (Strcat "1/8" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.0938) (Setq E (Strcat "1/16" (Chr 34))))
(If (< C 0.0313) (Setq E (Chr 34)))
(Setq F (itoa B))
(Setq G (itoa D))
(Setq H "Conversion from decimal to feet and inches is: ")
(Strcat H F (chr 39) (chr 45) G (chr 32) E (chr 32) (chr
;11. Absolute scale - allows easy rescaling of blocks
(Defun C:Ascale (/ A B C D E F G H)
(Setq A (Ssget))
(Setq B (Sslength A))
(Setq C (Getreal "\nEnter new scale: "))
(While (> B 0)
(Setq B (1- B))
(Setq D (Ssname A B))
(Setq D (Entget D))
(Setq E (Assoc 41 D))
(Setq F (Assoc 42 D))
(Setq G (Cons 41 C))
(Setq H (Cons 42 C))
(Setq D (Subst G E D))
(Entmod (Setq D (Subst H F D)))
;12. Angled numbers.
(Defun C:An (/ P1 A1 A B C D E F G)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq G (Getvar "Blipmode"))
(Setvar "Blipmode" 0)
(Setq A (Getint "\nNumber to start with: "))
(Setq B (Getint "\nNumber to end with: "))
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nStarting point: "))
(Setq C (Getdist P1 "\nDistance between numbers: "))
(Setq A1 (Getangle P1 "\nAngle to run numbers: "))
(Setq D (Getdist P1 "\nText height: "))
(If (> A B)
(Setq E -1)
(Setq E 1)
(Repeat (+ 1 (Abs (- A B)))
(Setq F (Itoa A))
(Command "Text" "C" P1 D 0 F)
(Setq A (+ A E))
(Setq P1 (Polar P1 A1 C))
(Setvar "Blipmode" G)
;13. Draws a slot.
(Defun C:Slot (/ P1 A B C)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nInsertion point of slot: "))
(Setq A (Getdist P1 "\nRadius: "))
(Setq B (Getdist P1 "\nLength: "))
(Setq C (Getangle P1 "\nAngle: "))
(Command "Arc" "C" P1 (Polar P1 (+ (/ Pi 2) C) A) "A"
(Command "Line" "" (Polar (Getvar "Lastpoint") A B) "")
(Command "Arc" "" (Polar (Getvar "Lastpoint") (+ (/ Pi 2)
C) (* 2 A)))
(Command "Line" "" (Polar (Getvar "Lastpoint") (+ Pi C) B)
;14. Changes text styles
(Defun C:Cs (/ A B C D E)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq A (Getstring "\nOld Style Name: "))
(Setq B (Getstring "\nNew Style Name: "))
(Setq C (Entnext))
(While (Boundp 'C)
(Setq D (Entget C))
(If (= (Cdr (Assoc 0 D)) "TEXT")
(If (= (Cdr (Assoc 7 D)) A)
(Setq E (Assoc 7 D))
(Setq D (Subst (Cons 7 B) E D))
(Entmod D)
(Setq C (Entnext C))
;15. Extends a line to a given distance
(Defun C:exd (/ P1 P2 A B C D E)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq A (Getvar "Gridmode"))
(Setq B (Getvar "Snapmode"))
(Setq C (Getvar "Snapang"))
(Setq E (Getvar "Orthomode"))
(Setvar "Orthomode" 1)
(Setq P2 (Osnap (Setq P1 (Osnap (Getpoint
"Touch line to change: ")"End"))"Mid"))
(Setvar "Gridmode" 0)
(Setvar "Snapmode" 0)
(Setvar "Snapang" (Angle P2 P1))
(Setq D (Getdist P1 "How far: "))
(Command "Change" P1 "" (Polar P1 (Angle P2 P1) D))
(Setvar "Gridmode" A) (Setvar "Snapmode" B)
(Setvar "Snapang" C))
;16. Step and Repeat
(Defun C:SR (/ P1 P2 A1 A B C D E BT CT)
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq B (If (null B) "" B))
(Setq C (If (null C) 1.0 C))
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nFirst point: "))
(Setq P2 (Getpoint "\nSecond point: "))
(Setq A1 (Angle P1 P2))
(Setq A (Getint "\nNumber of items: "))
(Prompt "\nBlock name <") (Prompt B)
(Setq BT (Getstring ">: "))
(Setq B (If (null BT) B BT))
(Prompt "\nScale factor <")
(Prompt (Rtos C (Getvar "Lunits") (Getvar "Luprec")))
(Setq CT (Getreal ">: "))
(Setq C (If (null CT) C CT))
(Setq D (Getstring "\nRotate item <N>: "))
(Setq D (If (= D "y") "Y" "N"))
(If (= D "Y")
(Setq D (* (/ 180 Pi) A1))
(Setq D 0)
(Setq E (Distance P1 P2))
(Setq E (/ E (- A 1)))
(Repeat A
(Command "Insert" B P1 C "" D)
(Setq P1 (Polar P1 A1 E))
;17. Draws a flange
(Defun C:Flange ()
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq OR 0) (Setq IR 0) (Setq BC 0)
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nEnter center of flange: "))
(Setq OR (Getdist P1 "\nOutside radius: "))
(Command "Circle" P1 OR)
(Setq IR (Getdist P1 "\nInside radius: "))
(While (> IR OR)
(Prompt "\nInside radius larger than outside: ")
(Setq IR (Getdist P1 "\nInside radius: ")))
(Command "Circle" P1 IR)
(Setq bad 1)
(While bad
(Setq A nil) (Setq B nil)
(Setq BC (Getdist P1 "Bolt circle radius: "))
(IF (> BC OR)
(Prompt "\nBolt circle larger than O.D.: ")
(setq a t))
(If (< BC IR)
(Prompt "\nBolt circle smaller than I.D.: ")
(Setq b t))
(if (and a b) (setq bad nil)))
(Command "Circle" P1 BC)
(Setq SH (Getreal "Bolt hole diameter: "))
(Setq NHI (Getint "Number of bolt holes: "))
(Setq NH (Float NHI))
(Setq SA (Getangle P1
"Starting angle of first hole: "))
(Command "Circle" (Polar P1 SA BC) "D" SH)
(Command "Array" "L" "" "C" P1 (/ 360 NH) NHI ""))
;18. Parrallelogram
(Defun C:PAA ()
(Setvar "Cmdecho" 0)
(Setq P1 (Getpoint "\nFrom point: "))
(Setq P2 (Getpoint P1 "\nTo point: "))
(Command "Line" P1 P2 "")
(Setq P3(Getpoint P2 "To point: "))
(Setq P4 (Polar P3 (Angle P2 P1) (Distance P2 P1)))
(Command "Line" P2 P3 P4 P1 "")